Category Archives: City

Eccentric Me Sonnet

I struggle with the realization
That I have always an eccentric
Friends forgive my strange concatenation
That may not fit into normal’s rubric

I look at the landscape out my window
Lands beyond Manhattan’s epicenter
Knowing full well that all this falls below
The land seen where people think things matter

I see the fleeting red-&-blue light-show
The fire department’s ambulances make
As they try to save humans’ bodies so
There is one less tragedy that might break

Another man might just see the city
Not thinking of salvation or pity

Dawn 3-5-20

The day charges out of nowhere bringing
The mysterious possibility
Of which fate & creation were singing
In immemorial lucidity

Chaos Sonnet

Why am I so mesmerized by chaos

Raucous feedback, litter & graffiti?

I know them as problems, I’m at a loss

It is my paradise, my Tahiti 

Like the wilderness’s vines & sharp thorns

Cities’ incomprehensibility

Is the “full pallet” of which Satan Warns

I’m seduced by knowledge’s liberty

Is it because I see my inside out?

The uncertainty of my existence 

Modern society will always “shout

Down” entropy with focused persistence 

Resistance is the natural response 

To artificial order that’s imposed

Self Pity Sonnet

This feeling of self-righteous self-pity

With which I want to flog all creation

This feeling unbelievably shitty

Is an obstacle to revelation

For, if I want to wander towards freedom

Happiness, joy or just indifference

I have to accept these feelings have come

To make me accept my irrelevance

At the bottom of this tainted wellspring’s

Lethal modernity’s self-importance

Where I displace all of my connivings

& go blame society’s governance

The couplet reluctantly compose

Is that life’s Inferno’s a Hell I chose

Brooklyn Murder Suicide Sonnet

When Falling In Love we ourselves extend

Hearts sending out tender capillaries

To fertilize love for a sweeter trend

& dodging loneliness’s vagaries

But maybe one cannot live up, you know

To the amorous baggage therein

The dream Cupid looses from his bow

Is a strange love song on a theramin

What becomes of amorous delusions?

Reality rumbles from the tunnel

& all that remains are his illusions

His dreams & her body are then pummeled

Brooklyn Subway Murder-&-Suicide

Pulls to eternity the lies they tried

Reality Sonnet From Photo

All the realities that we enjoy
Are merely some thin projections’ shadow:
What’s seen by us are visions we deploy
From the base existences that we know

The concrete reality that we see
From gentle breezes to birds & buildings
Are things that are & things we just believe
Existence is consciousnesses’ gildings

While it is painfully obvious that

There is an external reality

Within which we are all totally trapped

Without beliefs is falls to frailty

Here I have spent some time meditating

On the nature of truth: start berating

Caring’s Mendacity Sonnet

What hurts the most is our attempts to care

Or, more, it is our desire to appear

Like we want to help others to forebear

(& the cruelty of life to forswear)

This protection of our ego’s standing

In the maelstrom of our society

Is a clumsy attempt at demanding

The golden award of propriety

I heard someone say in Paris one time:

“You cannot save both your face and your ass”

The drunk who uttered these sage words sublime

Knew that posh nobility should come last

You have read 12 lines of my thinking rhymed

In which, on my ego, I’ve dropped a dime

Subway Slashing Sonnet

train victim diptych

There are two unfortunate souls right here
The pregnant woman whose young face was slashed
Thinking about being a new mother dear
(& how to keep herself together lashed)

The other’s ridden life’s roller coaster
Hoping the bottom of the descent’s near
When younger, perhaps she was a “toaster”
Angel Dust, Dope: starting with pot & beer

So onto train ventures the mother new
Avoiding she that’s fighting her demons
(Beelzebub says: “don’t let her dis you!”
Sitting elsewhere was what that was seemin’)

Into her bags she reached for the bright shiv
Payback for dis was what she did give

Snippet of Mortality

Resist or concede it doesn’t matter

Only your mortal coil wanders these cells

Participate or fight: it’s just patter

For the duration these walls are your hells


I am so fucking tired

That I want to cancel

I just don’t feel inspired

“Ennui” I want to stencil

On every paper 

That I mustgrade today

All my efforts: vapor 

I must work endlessly


Labor goes into each

Day anticipated

I keep storming ʇɐɥʇ beach

As we finish again

Know that work’s our best friend