
The Blogger-in-Chief of this site lives, works, and photographs in Western Queens, 11104.

25 responses to “About

  1. I’ve been listening to Frank McCourt reading his book Teacher Man. Reminded me to look at your pages again. I’m enjoying them. It’s a strange thing, but for a pseudo English major forty-some years earlier, I don’t seem to have much of an affinity for poetry. Mostly I find it hard to simply slow down and concentrate on the images. But I’m working at it. Thanks for the lessons. And, as you indicated some time ago, it’s interesting to see a slice of another’s life and the poetry is an especially interesting way of looking in. — Frank

  2. Here’s the funniest thing Efjay, I rarely like poetry, even mine. I have dozens of poems, and one and a while I decide to put one up for purely personal reasons. But I can’t stop writing them. It is like an evil obsession. Now, I’d love to write a story or two, but I don’t seem to do that. I write poems. They are satisfying in a way that I cannot explain when done (well or otherwise [I do like some more than others]). The act of writing them, distilling language while still telling a story, is a balm to my overworked soul. I wish that I would invest the time to write stories, but as long as this is what I do, I will do it.

  3. Here’s the funniest thing Efjay, I rarely like poetry, even mine. I have dozens of poems, and one and a while I decide to put one up for purely personal reasons. But I can’t stop writing them. It is like an evil obsession. Now, I’d love to write a story or two, but I don’t seem to do that. I write poems. They are satisfying in a way that I cannot explain when done (well or otherwise I do like some more than others]). The act of writing them, distilling language while still telling a story, is a balm to my overworked soul. I wish that I would invest the time to write stories, but as long as this is what I do, I will do it.

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  5. went you the one who leaved a comment for me?Thanks for it.Your blogs really nice.

  6. Hi,

    Wanted to write you about your eloquent Amir/Misti Hassan postings. I’m a UCB grad too and still live in Berkeley.

    Not sure whether this is the way to reach you, but I write about local crimes for the East Bay Express newspaper — mostly about the victims and who they really were, which most papers seem not to bother telling us. And I wanted to quote a bit from your postings, as they’re so insightful. The comments section of the SF Chronicle regarding this murder has been utterly raging, back and forth, with many people defending Misti for struggling “with her demons” and many feeling quite the opposite, but everyone grieving over this beautiful little boy they never got to know. Your memories would really add something to this discussion. If I might excerpt your blog, might I also know your name? Or at least your web name? (Btw, a great friend of mine lives in Rego Park now.)

  7. 11104 . . . I’m not sure if I missed it in your blog, but is this Astoria? From the pic on your header, that looks like the view from Astoria park, near Hell Gate Bridge . . . I may be a little off though, cause it kinds looks like a view from some of the artists studios off the 7 train (I think its the 41st street stop or something like that . . . the one with the awesome diner near PS 1 . . .that diner has the best milkshakes in the city and the awesome 2 cheeseburger deal!)

  8. the view is from “Blissville.” It is right by Greenpoint and 32nd. I took the header photo one morning after it had rained. There was aroof I cold get onto thyat was covered with water so I got the reflection. If you go to my picasaweb page I think you can find the exact location. Queens misses you.

  9. I like your homage to urine collage

  10. Thanks, Someday I’ll post on how that came about. Suffice it to say it had to do with skullduggery and tomfoolery through the lenses of time.

  11. Hi, I wandered in here looking for pictures of leaves. But instead I found a really cool poem and some musing about a place I have never been, Coney Island. Well done, keep rambling and please add me to your links!

  12. Thanks David,

    The bread looks fantastic and we wish that we could find good bakers like you in our corner of NYC. I’d love to read more about your craft and come to Toronto to try your food.

  13. kate (shannon)

    I came here after a search for pictures of the bancroft school back in the 70s. Didn’t know it was you for a few paragraphs. Not until I saw the house. So “hey stafford” it has been years.
    And now I am following the life of kiko……..

  14. Hey Kate,
    Great to hear from you. I lived in Hawaii once: Maui. What Island are you on? Do you ever miss Boston? Not me! Though I do miss being young from time to time.

  15. 5am

    A moment that can happen at any time.
    when everything falls into place,
    clarity is at it’s clearest,
    Confusion transforms in to oneness
    and when fate…
    Welcomes you with open arms.

  16. westernqueensland

    Nice poem, thanks for the morning, distilled into wordsm

  17. Hello mister western queens (i don’t know your name). First you have to excuse my english, i prfer french. I’m looking for informations and pictures about Leisa Stroud, maybe i have to write to her, but maybe you can give me some informations. it will be so nice if you can take time writing to me, il plan to write a little book about her

    Many Thanks


  18. I will contact you Benoit. How do you know Leisa?

  19. I don’t know her in person, but i “know” her trough john Lurie, through beautiful pictures of her (2 of them by David Armstrong, 2 by unknowns photographers), i think you know this pictures, maybe i could send to you and you could tell me who are the photographers.
    John Lurie tells me that Leisa is living in Rhode Island and that she’s not well. For me Leisa Stroud is a unknow “figures” of the NYC downtown in the 80’s. I dontknow what she becomes after that moment.
    I discover your works, congratulations.

  20. Did you ever move to Big Six?

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